The views expressed here are those of the writers. ONE's readers cover a wide range of geographical, economic, age, and educational status. This department aims to express this diversity.

Dear Editors:

...I want to thank Ann Reid for her article. She states precisely just what is wrong with "we women". . . reasons why we don't work together. But, I'd like to offer this thought. Do the fellows want our support. . .our help. Granted One does and is willing to include us. And most of the girls I know enjoy the friendship and company of their "brothers". . . .I can't say the same for the majority of boys. Why is it there has not been a magazine for women before? Why does the Mattachine Review almost sidestep the Lesbian? Why do you not find a great number of women in the Mattachine Society?


I'm sure


the women would join, I'm sure they would subscribe and work with with both magazines and any organizations.. . IF the fellows would show they wanted them. seems that their preference for male companionship is so deepseated that they cannot include in their society women who understand their preference and would help them fight for the right to such preference. . . . I'd like to see an article from one of the men on One, taking some sort of stand on the Lesbian.


Miss T.

Los Angeles, Calif.

Dear Sirs:

I like your approach to the many phases of the subject. . . it is one of calm reasoning rather than of hysterical blind emotional outbursts of criticism, generated by bitterness, which do more harm than good.


Mr. D.

San Francisco, Calif.


I know you aren't trying to be avant-garde. . .in fact, it would defeat your (our) purpose...but it seems to me that the quality of the work appearing in your magazine must be able to stand up to the quality of at least an average other magazine; must be "good writing", not "good homosexual writing"; for, if we are still vulnerable on moral (socio-moral) grounds, we must be invulnerable, utterly unassailable technically

. . . the stories are getting better; the magazine is better; and it seems to me hugely important that it continue to do so.. BUT: there's so frequently a quality of clumsiness in the writing, .in the building, if you will, of the material used. And the verse has been incompetent as hell.

Mr. C.

Boulder, Colorado